This book was more than I expected. In college, my friends in a writing group decided to go through the transformational text and hold each other accountable for completing our writing pages and artist’s dates.
I liked the cover illustration of Mount Fuji with birds flying in formation like winged angels, circling for a closer view. Cameron sprinkles meaningful quotations from poets, presidents, writers, philosophers, and creatives throughout the text. Unlike a fast – paced thriller, this book was meant to be savored and not rushed. Journeying through The Artist’s Way requires two key components: daily morning pages of three handwritten pages and a weekly artist’s date to plays, art galleries, and parks — anywhere your artist’s brain can feel nourished.
If you enjoy learning how to live a more creative life, discovering a more profound sense of self, and practicing new and innovative ideas to awaken your artistic potential, I’d suggest The Artist’s Way: A Spiritual Path to Higher Creativity.