Home Book Review “Breach of Trust” by DeAnn Mills

“Breach of Trust” by DeAnn Mills


A friend recommended this book to me [“Breach of Trust” by DiAnn Mills], and I liked the cover. The bold black letters on a bright yellow background caught my attention, as did the woman glancing from the corner of her eye and covering part of her face with a book.

I loved the character development of this book. From the first chapter, I cared about the life of Paige Rogers. Not only did I learn more about the culture and dialogue of the citizens of Oklahoma, but I also learned how one lie leads to another until there’s a hornet’s nest to unravel. The book’s ending surprised me in a good way, and I didn’t see it coming.

I highly recommend this Christian Romantic Suspense for anyone who enjoys character development, surprise endings, and rising tension. Fans of “Aftermath” by Terri Blackstock, “Breach of Promise” by James Scott Bell, and “The Brotherhood: A Precinct 11 Novel” by Jerry B. Jenkins will also enjoy it.

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